FOR BOOKINGS, MESSAGE US AT Instagram @balabacpalawan FB Messenger

Balabac Group Tours 2025

(152 Reviews)
4 Days 3 Nights
Availability : Choose from list of schedules
Puerto Princesa
Min Age : 10 - 50years old
Balabac Group Tour Package Details

Our Balabac Joiner Tours are fixed 4 days 3 nights (4D3N) trip, designed to accommodate solo, couple or small group travelers. We pool  joiners together to form a group, making the trip merrier and cheaper. If you haven’t booked your flight tickets yet and meeting other travelers is something that excites you, then book our group tour!

However, if you want privacy with your friends and you are at least 4 people and you want 3D2N, or your tickets don’t meet our schedules, then a Balabac Private Tour may be for you. Note that whether a private or joiner tour, the campsite and its facilities will not be exclusive to your group, and will be shared with other guests.

Because visiting Balabac is a unique and once-in-a-lifetime experience for many of our guests, our tours will run on all weather conditions, as long as the Coast Guard permits public access to the seaboards.

Balabac Group Tour Package Price

2024-2025 Group Tour Price

Php 15,000.00/person*

Minimum of 6 joiners is required to push the trip at P15,000/person.
If minimum is not met, the trip may still push at an adjusted rate below.

Php 15.5K/person if 5 people only (private van)
Php 16K/person if 4 people only (shared van)

*Price is valid until end of month only and may change without prior notice.

Terms and conditions apply

Departure & Return Location

We will pick you up from your hotel in Puerto Princesa. For Joiners, our pick up is any of the accommodations in the link below. Kindly book any from the list for faster pick up on the day of your trip.


Price Inclusions

  • Island Hopping
  • Round trip Van transfers PPS-Buliluyan Port
  • Passenger boat fare
  • Tour Guide
  • Environmental Fee
  • Full board meals (Day 1 breakfast until Last Day breakfast)Lunch and Dinner has 3 dishes: 1 pork or chicken viand, 1 fish/seafood viand, and 1 vegetable viand, served with rice, water and fruits.
  • All entrance fees to the islands
  • Use of beachfront campsite
  • Tent with mattress. You may also upgrade to a hut.
  • Generator from 6-10pm, solar power until 6am or until charge is depleted.

Food Notes:

There is no fixed menu since the food we serve depends on what is available from Brooke’s Point Public Market (Mainland Palawan), and the local fishermen’s catch. There’s no wetmarket here unlike in Coron or El Nido. If you’ve been to boat trips in North Palawan, pls don’t expect that the way we serve food is similar to how it’s done in more developed tourist spots. It will be hard for us to cater to vegans and vegetarians unless they’re happy with a veggie and rice meal every lunch and dinner. Pls consider this before booking us.

Balabac Destinations

Instead of rushing through numerous stops, our island hopping is designed to highlight Balabac’s most breathtaking spots only, giving you ample time to relax and fully immerse in its raw nature. At best conditions, you will visit 2-3 destinations per day not including your last day which is your travel back to PPS.
  • Onok Island (aka Maldives of PH)
  • Punta Sebaring beach (white beach campsite)
  • Punta Sebaring Sandbar (infinity pool during hightide)
  • Mansalangan sandbar
  • Patawan Island (aka Dolphin Island)
  • Candaraman Sandbar (Starfish Island)
  • Candaraman Island
  • Canimeran Island
  • Tangkahan Island
  • Secret Reef (for snorkeling)
  • Bonbon Beach

Price Exclusions

  • Airfare
  • Accommodation in Puerto Princesa before and after the tour
  • Snorkel Mask (can be rented at the campsite at Php 150/day)
  • Fins (no rentals at the campsite)
  • Towels and toiletries
  • All transfer/ bank fees
  • Tip for the crew
  • Perfect weather in Balabac
  • Travel insurance

Bring extra cash for

  • - Beers/softdrinks/snacks you can buy from the store
  • - Souvenirs
  • - Snorkel mask and tube rental. Pls note there is no fins rental in the campsite.
  • - Upgrade to sleeping cottage accommodation with mattress and mosquito net. Limited only, needs advancee reservation.
  • - Stopover lunch during last day on your way back to PPS

Transportation Notes

Since it is difficult for guests to arrange their own transportation from Puerto Princesa to Buliluyan port where all guests should ride the passenger boat, we are including the van transport in this package. The van and drivers are outsourced. We coordinate/mediate between guest and driver for the pick up.

NOTE: Loading and unloading of your bags in the van will be the passengers’ responsibility and our team will not be liable for any damages that may occur to the item during the land travel. Meanwhile during the island hopping, you can leave your luggages in the campsite, it is safe there, but make sure to always have your valuables such as phone, wallet, cameras, etc, with you. During drop off back to PPS, you are responsible to bring all your items with you and the driver will not be liable if you left any item inside the van.

Balabac Group Trip Schedules
Choose a schedule that fits your travel plans. Message us to check seat availability for your preferred date..

Arrive to Puerto Princesa a day before and leave a day after the tour dates.
Example. If your preferred tour is March 6-9, 2025:
Fly in to PPS on Mar 5. 
Fly out of PPS on Mar 10.

Below are the schedules.
NOTE: Pls check through FB/IG messaging first if there’s available seats on your preferred schedule

2025 Available Dates


(MARCH until APRIL 2025  is fully booked)

May 22-25 (Thu-Sun)  |  May 24-27 (Sat-Tue)  |  May 25-28 (Sun-Wed)  |  May 27-30 (Tue-Fri)  |  May 29-Jun 1 (Thu-Sun)  |  May 31-Jun 3 (Sat-Tue) 

Jun 1-4 (Sun-Wed)  |  Jun 3-6 (Tue-Fri)  |  Jun 5-8 (Thu-Sun)  |  Jun 7-10 (Sat-Tue)  |  Jun 8-11 (Sun-Wed)  |  Jun 10-13 (Tue-Fri)  |  Jun 12-15 (Thu-Sun)  |  Jun 14-17 (Sat-Tue)  |  Jun 15-18 (Sun-Wed)  |  Jun 17-20 (Tue-Fri)  |  Jun 19-22 (Thu-Sun)  |  Jun 21-24 (Sat-Tue)  |  Jun 22-25 (Sun-Wed)  |  Jun 24-27 (Tue-Fri)  |  Jun 26-29 (Thu-Sun)  |  Jun 28-Jul 1 (Sat-Tue)  |  Jun 29-Jul 2 (Sun-Wed) .

Jul 1-4 (Tue-Fri)  |  Jul 3-6 (Thu-Sun)  |  Jul 5-8 (Sat-Tue)  |  Jul 8-11 (Tue-Fri)  |  Jul 10-13 (Thu-Sun)  |  Jul 12-15 (Sat-Tue)  |  Jul 15-18 (Tue-Fri)  |  Jul 17-20 (Thu-Sun)  |  Jul 19-22 (Sat-Tue)  |  Jul 22-25 (Tue-Fri)  |  Jul 24-27 (Thu-Sun)  |  Jul 26-29 (Sat-Tue)  |  Jul 29-Aug 1 (Tue-Fri)  |  Jul 31-Aug 3 (Thu-Sun).

Aug 2-5 (Sat-Tue)  |  Aug 5-8 (Tue-Fri)  |  Aug 7-10 (Thu-Sun)  |  Aug 9-12 (Sat-Tue)  |  Aug 12-15 (Tue-Fri)  |  Aug 14-17 (Thu-Sun)  |  Aug 16-19 (Sat-Tue)  |  Aug 19-22 (Tue-Fri)  |  Aug 21-24 (Thu-Sun)  |  Aug 23-26 (Sat-Tue)  |  Aug 26-29 (Tue-Fri)  |  Aug 28-31 (Thu-Sun)  |  Aug 30-Sep 2 (Sat-Tue).

Sep 2-5 (Tue-Fri)  |  Sep 4-7 (Thu-Sun)  |  Sep 6-9 (Sat-Tue)  |  Sep 9-12 (Tue-Fri)  |  Sep 11-14 (Thu-Sun)  |  Sep 13-16 (Sat-Tue)  |  Sep 16-19 (Tue-Fri)  |  Sep 18-21 (Thu-Sun)  |  Sep 20-23 (Sat-Tue)  |  Sep 23-26 (Tue-Fri)  |  Sep 25-28 (Thu-Sun)  |  Sep 27-30 (Sat-Tue)  |  Sep 30-Oct 3 (Tue-Fri).

Oct 2-5 (Thu-Sun)  |  Oct 4-7 (Sat-Tue)  |  Oct 7-10 (Tue-Fri)  |  Oct 9-12 (Thu-Sun)  |  Oct 11-14 (Sat-Tue)  |  Oct 14-17 (Tue-Fri)  |  Oct 16-19 (Thu-Sun)  |  Oct 18-21 (Sat-Tue)  |  Oct 21-24 (Tue-Fri)  |  Oct 23-26 (Thu-Sun)  |  Oct 25-28 (Sat-Tue)  |  Oct 28-31 (Tue-Fri)  |  Oct 30-Nov 2 (Thu-Sun).



Nov 1-4 (Sat-Tue)  |  Nov 4-7 (Tue-Fri)  |  Nov 6-9 (Thu-Sun)  |  Nov 8-11 (Sat-Tue)  |  Nov 11-14 (Tue-Fri)  |  Nov 13-16 (Thu-Sun)  |  Nov 15-18 (Sat-Tue)  |  Nov 18-21 (Tue-Fri)  |  Nov 20-23 (Thu-Sun)  |  Nov 22-25 (Sat-Tue)  |  Nov 25-28 (Tue-Fri)  |  Nov 27-30 (Thu-Sun)  |  Nov 29-Dec 2 (Sat-Tue).

Dec 2-5 (Tue-Fri)  |  Dec 4-7 (Thu-Sun)  |  Dec 6-9 (Sat-Tue)  |  Dec 9-12 (Tue-Fri)  |  Dec 11-14 (Thu-Sun)  |  Dec 13-16 (Sat-Tue)  |  Dec 14-17 (Sun-Wed)  |  Dec 16-19 (Tue-Fri)  |  Dec 18-21 (Thu-Sun)  |  Dec 20-23 (Sat-Tue)  |  Dec 21-24 (Sun-Wed)

Approximate Itinerary

There is no strict itinerary to be followed in this tour, but this is a rough estimate. It is highly subject to change due to weather, wind, wave and tide condition.

Click the day to see details!

Day 0Arrival in Puerto Princesa

Check in to your preferred hotel in PPS and take time to complete your things to bring such as insect repellent, some snacks for the long rides, etc.

Day 1Travel to Balabac, Island Hopping (B / L / D)

3am – Pick up from your hotel in Puerto Princesa.
6-6:30am – Hosted Breakfast
9:30am – Depart Buliluyan port via Passenger Boat
10am – Arrival at Patawan Island. Transfer to our tour boat, lunch
12nn – Arrival at Tangkahan Island
3-4pm – Arrival at Campsite, orientation, settle down on your tent or hut

Day 2Island and Sandbar Hopping (B / L / D)

6am – Catch the sunrise by the beach
7am – Breakfast. Prepare for island hopping
8am onwards- Start of Balabac island/sandbar hopping with lunch on island
4pm – ETA campsite. Snacks. Free time
7pm – Dinner

Day 3Island and Sandbar Hopping (B / L / D)

6am – Catch the sunrise by the beach
7am – Breakfast. Prepare for island hopping
8am onwards- Start of Balabac island/sandbar hopping with lunch on island
4pm – ETA campsite. Snacks. Free time
7pm – Dinner

Day 4Relax at the Beach. Travel from Balabac back to Puerto Princesa (B / - / - )

6am – Catch the sunrise while relaxing by the beach. Early breakfast (last meal)
8am – ETD for Buliluyan port, with stopover in Canimeran island if hightide
11am – ETA at Buliluyan. Ride back to PPS
6pm – ETA at Puerto Princesa

Booking Process
  1. Check availability
    Confirm available slots of your preferred Balabac group tour schedule by chatting with us through our FB Page or Instagram. If we confirmed availability of slots to you days ago, you may have to check again if it’s still available. We are not responsible to refund you for sending payment for unavailable slots.
  2. Send your payment to reserve your slots
    Once availability is confirmed, kindly send either the full payment or the reservation deposit P2,000 per person through any of our payment methods.
    Note: The deposit (P2,000) is non-refundable.
  3. Update us that the payment was made.
    Send us a screenshot of the deposit slip via our FB Page or Instagram and indicate the following:

    Name of sender:
    Schedule desired:
    Method of payment:
    Amount sent:

  4. Full payment
    If you only paid the reservation fee, the remaining balance should be fully-paid 2 weeks before the tour date. Not paying on time will force us to open your slot to wait-listed joiners.
  5. Group Size

    Minimum of 6 people is required to push the Balabac Joiners trip at P15,000/person. If minimum is not met, the trip can still push at an adjusted rate below:

      • P15.5K/person if 5 people only (private van)
      • P16K/person if 4 people only (shared van)
      • For 3 pax below, we will reschedule or refund

    For Private tours, in the event that your group size has changed on the actual tour date, the price indicated in our price matrix will apply.

  6. Cancellation by the Guest
    If the Guest cancels the confirmed trip regardless of the reasons, the Guest agrees to pay cancellation fees as follows:
    • More than 14 days before the trip: Php 2000/person
    • 8-14 days before the trip: Php 7000/person
    • 0-7 days before the trip: 100% of the total price
  7. Cancellation by the Host
    We are forced to cancel trips if there is a severe weather warning announced by the authorities, and if the Coast Guard cancels tourist boat activities for any reason. The following scenarios shall apply:

          a. If the cancellation by coastguard was made before the scheduled trip, the guest has 2 options:
                   a.1. Rebook their trip to the next available tour dates, and pay a re-booking fee of 2000 per person.
                   a.2. Cancel their booking entirely and receive a refund of what was paid less than the 2000 per person non-refundable fee. This will be through GCash or Bank transfer for local guests, and Wise for international guests.

          b. If the cancellation by coastguard was made while guests are already in the campsite in Balabac, preventing them from doing island tours, no refunds will be issued.

  8. Force Majeure Policy

    The Host shall not be liable for any changes, cancellations, or delays caused by circumstances beyond our control, including but not limited to natural disasters, acts of God, government actions, or other unforeseen events

  9. Rebooking 
    If for any reason, the Guest wishes to rebook the confirmed trip to another schedule, inform the Host at least 14 days before the trip and pay a rebooking fee of P2,000/person.
  10. Refunds
    No refunds will be issued other than instances mentioned in Section 6 and 7. Refunds will not be issued if the Guest decides not to go despite Coast Guard permitting sea travel, or if the tour is shortened due to inclement weather. Guests are advised to have a travel insurance that covers cancelled trips.
  11. Liability
    The Host shall not be held liable for any loss, damage, injury, or theft of personal belongings during the trip. Guests are advised to secure their valuables.
  12. Agreement
    By submitting the reservation deposit, the Guest acknowledges and agrees to abide by these terms and conditions. Please proceed with booking the tour only if you agree to the aforementioned terms.
Thank you.
Payment Methods

All payment transfers for our Balabac tours, whether local or abroad should be done in any of the following methods. 

Once ready to pay, kindy message us in FB messenger (this is where we monitor bookings) so we can send you the account details.


  • For Local Transfers
    • Over-the-counter and online bank/e-wallet transfers are accepted.
  • For International Transfers

Message us your preferred method so we can send you the recipient account details.

Follow us on Instagram to stay updated!

152 Reviews
Sort By:RatingDate

Katarzyna Grzech

Couple Traveller

It was a great time with The Wanderwalkers!

We chose a 4D3N Tour. Everything was perfectly organized. We always had all the information we needed, and everything happened on time. The whole trip was very well planned.

Our guide, Jeremy, was fantastic 🫶. Very professional. He took care of every small detail to make sure everyone was happy. The rest of the crew was great too.

The place at Punta Sebaring was a perfect choice. The cottages were comfortable, there were many hammocks, and just a few steps away were beautiful sunrises and a local village.

The Balabac Islands are like paradise. We have seen many Philippine islands, but these are the best.

One of the biggest highlights was Onuk Island. It made the greatest impression, and it was wonderful to be there ahead of crowded, spending lots of time exploring its beauty.

Thanks again to the organizers, Jeremy, and the whole crew for a fantastic time. I would love to do it again! 🌺🐚🌴

March 17, 2025

Vanessa Thorimbert

Group Traveller

We spent 3 nights and 4 unforgettable days in Balabac! Jeremy was an excellent guide, he took us to the most beautiful places and we were always the only group to explore the islands, or arrive first (e.g. on Onok island ).
On the second day, the boat had a small battery problem leaving the camp to go towards Onok and the team was very responsive. Once the battery was changed, as we were behind schedule, the team decided to reverse the steps so we could enjoy Onok to the fullest the next day.
The camp offers simple comfort but the atmosphere is great. We eat well, the staff is smiling, the dogs are adorable, the sunrises are sublime.
Thanks to Jeremy for his professionalism and drone videos! We look forward to them;)!
We really recommend this agency.

March 15, 2025

Julie Melanie

Couple Traveller

Different, A change of scenery, meet great people, beautiful islands and turtles

Our trip was amazing, it’s a experience to live. Everything was great, people, island, camp, food and also our guide Jeremy. It’s a thing to live once in a lifetime, we have unforgettable memories. Thank you

March 13, 2025

Nico Robens

Couple Traveller

This boat tour is a must-see for every traveler in the Philippines. Arriving to get to base camp is an adventure in itself. You can see from noon from the first day and the entire second and third day with one of the most beautiful places in the world. Abandoned islands, few/no tourists, starfish, turtles and crystal clear waters. Onok Island was the highlight and the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The group (consisting of Australians, French, Lithuanians and Germans) made the trip an unforgettable experience.

March 12, 2025

Andrew Burns

Couple Traveller

The best experience in Balabac

4 days 3 nights spent with the best team and new friends

Balabac is a piece of heaven in the Philippines. Everything was fantastic, from the bus transfer to the activities, to the beaches and the food.

Jeremy and the team were the best, they were our guides, chefs and photographers. The best crew!

We had a group of 11 which was a great size, we stayed in the hut which I highly recommend. The food was incredible as well, 3 meals a day were provided (Filipino Power!!) and there is even a bar where snacks are available.

Some highlights were swimming with sea turtles, starfish, the most beautiful beaches, sand bars and coral reefs

Thank you Jeremy and everyone on site at camp for making the trip so memorable for us

February 21, 2025